Pediatric Rheumatology

Diagnosing, managing, and treating rheumatologic diseases in children of all ages

Did you know more than one million children in the United States are affected by rheumatologic diseases each year? That’s why DMG Children’s Rehabilitative Services (DMG CRS) includes pediatric rheumatology physicians who specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions affecting the muscles, bones and joints in children and adolescents.

Rheumatologic diseases in children include autoimmune, connective tissue, joint and muscle conditions such as:

  • Acute joint inflammation (arthritis)

  • Autoinflammatory syndromes including periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, adenitis (PFAPA) and other periodic fever syndromes

  • Chronic arthritis including juvenile idiopathic arthritis (also known as pediatric rheumatoid arthritis)

  • Chronic eye inflammation (chronic uveitis)

  • Dermatomyositis and other forms of muscle inflammation

  • Lupus and related conditions including Sjogren syndrome, scleroderma, and mixed connective tissue disease

  • Vasculitis, which involves inflammation of the blood vessels, including Kawasaki disease, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis, and Bechet’s disease

Your DMG CRS pediatric rheumatology specialist will help you understand your child’s diagnosis and partner with you to develop a treatment plan to include short- and long-term relief for you and your family. Your child’s treatment plan will be customized to the type of rheumatic disease your child has and the severity of your child’s condition.

Pediatric rheumatology treatments may include:

  • Medications

  • Heat and cold for short term pain relief

  • Joint immobilization (a brace or splint) to allow the joint to rest and protect it

  • Walking assistance device like a cane, crutches or other assistive devices

  • Massage of painful muscles to improve blood flow

  • Weight reduction

  • Surgery
